SPR® Will Show You The Way   

Our ADS are like arrows that are precisely aimed!

They will strike the right person telling how our service will benefit him.


This psychological process must take place in a split second or you loose him!


The Fastest Least Expensive Way To Get & Keep Keep Your

Story & Name In Front of  Homeowners  In Your Area Daily

The prime reason for business failure:

 NOT  following our proven marketing plan

  • What to do 

  • What not to do   

You must adhere closely to the newspaper advertising program outlined herein to be successful! Our ads are designed to get the attention of the customer you want to call you. DO NOT change our ads they are proven and they work!


Newspaper advertising what not to do    Who is your customer

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© Copyright 1998-2004.  This Site And All Contents Are The Intellectual Property of American Roof-Brite a division of SPR  International Inc. Atlanta GA. 30102