SPR® Will Show You The Way    




There are thousands ugly, stained, hard to clean bathtubs, showers and tiles stalling home sales in your area. 



  • The most effective way to develop this market is to call each real estate broker and ask to be a guest speaker at their next real estate sales meeting.

  • Each realtor has a mandatory weekly sales meeting at which all agents are present. You may be one of several speakers. Examples: Telephone company, insurance company, mortgage company, pest control, appraisers, etc.

  • Be prepared to give a 10 minute presentation on how your service can improve the curb appeal of virtually any home. Which can help them make a sale. And it costs them nothing.

  • Just imagine dozens of sales agents who refer customers to you daily and it costs you nothing!

Remind realtors that their income is from Selling homes not just showing them!

Real Estate Sales Meetings

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