Roof Cleaners Association International  


Why do some roofing shingle manufacturers recommend chlorine to remove roof stains?

 The answer is simple. Over 50 years ago shingle manufacturers began to get complaints about roof stains. Their remedy was simple, just tell the home owner it was his responsibility to keep his roof clean. The directions were very equally simple, climb up on the roof with a bucked of chlorine bleach and a scrub brush. Clean the roof and rinse it off with a garden hose.  That worked way back then!

Today these shingle manufacturers get hundreds of complaints every day about staining roofing shingles.  Obviously the manufacturer would go broke replacing shingles to satisfy all of those complaints. They want the complaint to go away ASAP.  The simplest way to end that long line of complaints is to put the burden back on the customer by telling him it is his responsibility to keep his roof clean..  In this way the customer is 100% responsible for keeping his own roof clean. Anything he does to his own roof is his responsibility.   The manufacturer may use this analogy "When you purchase a new car do you expect the manufacturer to wash it every time it gets dirty" keeping your car and your roof clean is your responsibility we just tell you how you can do it!

PROBLEM SOLVED?  Not quite, today's homeowners are more savvy they were 50 years ago. They are NOT going to get on their roof with a bucket of bleach and a scrub brush. 

Some individuals saw this growing dilemma as an opportunity to make quick money by cleaning roofs.  They took the suggestions the manufacturers had given to the homeowners to stop them from complaining about roof stains as a professional endorsement and guide for professional roof cleaning practices. 

Some roofing shingle manufacturers even tried to set up contractors coast to coast cleaning roofs with chlorine bleach only to realize later that it was more dangerous than they ever anticipated and the risk were too high. There were too many problems associated with chlorine bleaching. They did NOT continue with the program or continue to allow their name to be used in connection with chlorine roof cleaning.  It was risky business which they soon learned and they quit doing it.

Does chlorine solve the problem or just bleach out the stains?  Chlorine only bleaches the color out of the algae or fungus growing on the shingles. 

IMPORTANT: The bleached out dead (remains) of the fungi and algae carcasses of these stain producing organisms remain, on the roof under and around the limestone granules on the shingles.


NEXT: The chlorine completely dissipates into the atmosphere within just 24 hours leaving the bleached out dead organic matter surrounding the roof granules just as it was before bleaching. The algae and fungi was killed but NOT removed. The stains were merely bleached so they are not noticeable. This dead matter left on the roof is exactly what the airborne spores are attracted to in order to developed a new colony.  In some areas the fungus grows so rapidly the stains return within months after chlorine bleaching.


Stain producing  Algae & Fungi live on, under and around roof granules,

bleach does NOT remove them it just bleaches out the color!


What are the dangers associated with chlorine roof stain removal? 

Typical Roof Cleaner

Applying DANGEROUS Chlorine Bleach

While spraying chlorine on the roof it often drips off and can kills plants shrubs and grass.  Chlorine also discolors wood decking.

That is not all, as Chlorine enters the ground around the house it neutralizes the termite protection products use to protect home from subterranean termites.

What is Chlorine?  Chlorine is a natural element, a yellow-green gas at room temperature. It is heavier than air, but under the correct pressure and temperature, it can be converted into liquid. Chlorine when released into the air, reacts with water to make hydrochloric acid.

The gas released from the multi gallons of liquid chlorine bleach sprayed on a CLICK TO ENLARGEroof in an effort to remove roof stains contains is the same noxious fumes that was used in World War 1 to maim and kill enemy soldiers. Chlorine gas was first introduced as a weapon on April 22, 1915 at Ypres Belgium by the German Army, the results of this weapon were disastrous because gas masks had not yet been invented. The feared, concentrated, fumes were known as (Mustard Gas). Chlorine fumes create hydrochloric acid on contact with mucous membranes of the throat, nose, lungs and eyes, or perspiration on skin causing burning of tissue. The hydrochloric acid then attacks the nervous system causing severe head aches, dizziness, shortness of breath, lethargy and death. Read the cautions on any chlorine bleach bottle. Use extreme caution may cause serous skin burns or  could cause death. Never mix with other products.


Chlorine Effects On Health & Environment  Chlorine Institute Findings

When roof cleaners say we don't use Sodium Hypochlorite?  What do they use?



Non Chlorine Roof Stain Removal

With all of this negative talk about the dangers of chlorine roof cleaning is there a safe way to clean a roof? YES there is! RCAI certified contractors safely remove roof stains all around the globe without the use of harsh, unsafe chlorine bleach.


Ask any RCAI certified contractor about chlorine bleach roof cleaning and they will tell you point blank from their own observations and experience that anyone who attempts to spray sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite chlorine bleach on a roof to remove stains are not telling their customers the whole truth. Either they are not fully aware of just what they are doing or they just don't care.


Always seek out an RCAI Certified Safe Roof Stain Removal Contractor when roof stains are a problem.

