Why Would Anyone Pay

  $1,800 for a Kirby    Vacuum Cleaner

when they can get a   Black & Decker for $89?




Why Would Anyone Pay

$55,000 for a Lexus when they can get a Ford for  Just $25,000?




Why Would Anyone Pay

$500 for    to restore their tub

when they can get    Joe Schmo for just $150?







#1 A Professional Appearance

Books are judged by their covers, houses are appraised by their curb appeal, and people are initially evaluated on how they choose to dress and behave. In a perfect world this is not fair, moral, or just. What’s inside should count a great deal more. And eventually it usually does, but not right away. In the meantime, a lot of opportunities can be lost.

In our lives, hundreds of very important decisions have already been made for us that impact every aspect of our lives. Our gender, skin color, height, the number of hair follicles on our head, the shape and size of our hands and feet, as well as who our parents are, our siblings, our early child hood circumstances, and the country of our birth are factors that we do not control or influence.

But we can control how we portray ourselves to the outer world. In transformational learning, the idea is to start at a place that is most visible and allows for immediately recognized results. Wardrobe, grooming, and nonverbal communication are aspects that are apparent on the outside to the outside world. Combined, these factors can frame us as competent, knowledgeable, elegant, gracious, powerful, or anything else we choose to communicate.

You Have Just Thirty Seconds
Social psychologists studying the impact of image have determined that’s how long it takes for someone meeting you to form a whole laundry list of impressions about your character and abilities. The list of impressions encompasses:

  • Educational level
  • Career competence and success
  • Personality
  • Level of sophistication
  • Trustworthiness
  • Sense of humor
  • Social heritage
  • Now, thirty seconds doesn’t give you time to pull out your college transcript, showcase your resume, or present character references. It doesn’t allow any time to explain that you have talent, skills, training, and a substantial list of truly satisfied employers and customers.

    In thirty seconds, people form all those different impressions based almost entirely on what they see—your clothes, hairstyle, carriage, smile, and the rest of your nonverbal communications. Appearances do count.

    These quick impressions can be lasting ones. Psychologists call it the halo effect. When your visual message is positive, the person you’ve just met will tend to assume that other aspects about you are equally positive. But unfortunately, if your visual message is negative, that new customer, client, co-worker, or prospective employer may not spend the time and effort to discover the talented person inside.

    Appearances count in today’s world—as much or even more than in earlier decades. Rigid “success dressing” rules have yielded to new, more flexible guidelines that encompass casual business looks as well as traditional power suits. But as the speed of the business world accelerates, the importance of making a positive first impression increases, too.

    Appearances count, not only in first impressions, but also in ongoing interactions. In his comprehensive research on communication, sociolinguist Albert Mehrabian found that in a face-to-face encounter, 7 percent of a verbal message comes from the words used; 38 percent comes from the vocal tone, pacing, and inflection; 55 percent of the message is transmitted by the speaker’s appearance and body language.
    Appearances count, especially in the business world. When one college’s career planning and placement center surveyed 150 employers, they discovered that the number-one reason for rejecting an applicant after the first interview was poor personal appearance.

    Interestingly, those employers ranked poor appearance even more significant than being a “hostile, overbearing know-it-all” (reason no. 9) or “late for the interview without good reason” (reason no. 28). Obviously hostility or tardiness isn’t encouraged either, but the findings certainly support the importance of appearance.

    Courses that help managers become better interviewers stress learning to bypass those first impressions and go deeper. They train the interviewer to suspend judgment in the first thirty seconds and even the first five minutes. Why? Because those immediate instinctual reactions are so ingrained. Thousands of years ago a human’s survival often depended on how shrewdly and quickly he or she could size up a situation. Only those who could “read” others accurately lived to fight another day.

    Amazingly, appearances count even when nobody else sees you! One study says that Americans have the opportunity to see their own reflection (in mirrors, windows, elevator doors, etc.) up to fifty-five times every day. That means fifty-five opportunities to feel instantaneously good, indifferent, or even negative about your physical self.

    Appearances count—often in cold, hard cash. Dr. Judith Walters of Fairleigh Dickinson University researched the impact of an effective business appearance on a starting salary. She sent out a group of identical resumes to more than a thousand companies. Some resumes were accompanied by a “before” photo of the applicant, others by an “after” photo. Each company was asked to determine a starting salary.

    The results were amazing. Starting salaries ranged 8 to 20 percent higher as the result of upgrading a mediocre business appearance to one that is polished and effective. Employers are willing to pay for people who look the part. If the employee already projects an image of professionalism, that’s one less thing—one potentially unpleasant thing—that the firm has to worry about.

    * Source- The New Professional Image, Susan Bixler, Adams Media

    #2 Professional Sales Presentation

    Professional sales presentations don't just happen, they are planned, practiced and delivered.

    EXAMPLES: Kirby® Vacuum cleaners are sold by distributors who diligently train their sales people. They learn how to sell Kirby Vacuums by showing how well they work, how long they last, how much better off they will by owning a Kirby. They also learn how to get referrals from those happy customers. Some make a great living doing this. Kirby does not use newspaper, radio, TV, or magazines to advertise yet they are tremendously successful.  Direct Sales counts for hundreds of thousands of Kirbies sold every year in every town and city across this country. No one is going to go out and purchase a $1,800 vacuum cleaner but they will buy it if it is presented to them in the right way by the right person a trained sales person!

    EXAMPLE: Lexus® automobiles are sold by Lexus dealers world wide, these dealers diligently train their sales people. They learn how to present the features of the Lexus in a way that appeals to the pride of the customer.  Lexus advertises heavily in newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines to get people into their showrooms. They pay their sales people very well to turn those lookers into customers. But couldn't the dealer save a lot of money by doing away with the sales staff altogether and let the mechanics sell the cars, after all they know everything there is to know about how the car works. Well if they did that Lexus would not be around much longer, they would go out of business. Those well trained Lexus sales people turn Ford, Chevy and Dodge owners into Lexus owners every day. They help them feel good about spending their $55,000 in addition they get referrals from those happy customers so they can sell them too.

    EXAMPLE: SPR Surface Restoration® services are sold by applicators who diligently train their sales people. They learn how to sell the tub restoration by appealing to the customers sense of pride in addition they are shown how they will save thousands of dollars by not replacing their tub. The applicator advertises in the newspaper, yellow pages, trade shows and direct mail programs. They pay their sales people very well to turn lookers into paying customers. The customer is helped to feel good about spending their money because they are shown that they get more than what they pay for. Those happy customers will continue to provide referrals for many years to come since they become lifelong customers.

    Your customers will pay what ever you ask

    if they perceive the value of your service to be equal to the price!!
