SPR® Will Show You The Way   

It's true Newspaper advertising is expensive and so is everything else.


It's all relative




 Don't spend no money


don't make no money



After completing the SPR® training course, an applicator related that after talking with the retail advertising department of the largest newspaper in his area, he flatly refused to advertise because he felt it cost too much. He decided to run some small ads in the local and free papers. Only a few people called for an estimate, and they all complained that the prices were too high! After a few months, the major newspaper called the dealer with an advertising deal that he could not refuse.

They agreed to match his advertising dollar for dollar. Reluctantly, he signed a contract for a 12 week daily run. Within one month after his ad started, he realized that there was more potential in his area than he ever imagined and they didn’t complain about the price!
Many years have past and the ad is still running on a daily basis. Today this applicator is very successful because he now adheres to the
SPR® newspaper advertising program even though he found it hard to accept in the beginning. Today he would not consider a week without running his time tested and proven SPR® ad. His ads are now as essential as the air that he breathes. Without the right ads running each week his business would die!

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