1. Honesty

  • Don’t Ever Exaggerate, Lie or promise more than you can deliver

  • Deliver more than you promise every time

  • Make it impossible for them not to trust you

  • Be a company they can count on every time not some time

2. Provide A Valuable Service

  • Provide something your customer really needed or wanted or feel that they need or want

  • The benefits derived from your service is really what they want

  • The more benefits they get from your service, the more valuable your service is

3. Maintain A Professional Appearance

  • The appearance of your vehicles and all of your representatives speaks volumes in favor of your success

  • Visualization is everything

  • A Clean Neat uniform on every individual who representing your company is essential

  • Clean neat professional service vehicles tell the public you are a professional

  • Professional live telephone receptionist

  • Professional approved advertisements

  • Well prepared sakes presentations

4. Ask Questions

  • Never ever assume you know why your customer is interested in or is considering buying your service

  • Never assume your customers buying motives

  • They buy for their motives not yours

  • Find out how your service will benefit each customer individually by asking questions

  • Emphasize the benefits that is of interest to that individual

  • Each individual has his own agenda, find out what it is

  • Cater to each individuals agenda

5. Maintain An Attitude of Servitude

  • You must treat each customer like they are royalty

  • You must serve them to the point they feel special

  • You must serve them like the competition won’t