# 1                                               NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING

Ready to run 1st ad within 1 week of starting 

 Date Ad Starts ________________

Name of Newspaper _______________________________________________________

Size of ad in inches tall _______________________  columns Wide __________________

How Often Run __________________________________________________________________________

Days Ad Will Run ________________________________________________________________________

Section Ad Will Run In ____________________________________________________________________

Cost Per Week _________________ Month ______________ Year _________________



  # 2                                           REAL ESTATE SALES MEETINGS

Make 1st sales meeting within 30 days

Date Of  First Meeting ________________

Name of Real Estate Company  _______________________________________________________

Number of Agents _______________________ 

Date Of  Second Meeting ________________

Name of Real Estate Company  _______________________________________________________

Number of Agents _______________________ 

Date Of  Third Meeting ________________

Name of Real Estate Company  _______________________________________________________

Number of Agents _______________________ 

Date Of  Fourth Meeting ________________

Name of Real Estate Company  _______________________________________________________

Number of Agents _______________________ 



  # 3                                                SDE MAIL OUT PROGRAM

Make 1st mail outs within 30 days

 Ordered Power Finder Disk  (date) ________________

 Date Of  First 25 Mail outs ______________________

 I have mail out cards labeled, stamped, bundled in packs of 25 and ready to be mailed daily for the next 90 days.    Yes ________   No __________

Total number of names on mailing list  _______________________ 



# 4                                               YELLOW PAGE ADVERTISING

Make contact with the main yellow page directory company serving my area within 7 days of starting

 Date directory closes ________________

 Date of meeting with advertising rep.  ________________

 Date directory comes out ________________

Heading main ad  will appear under _______________________________________________________

Size of main ad ________________________

Heading secondary ad will appear under ___________________________________________________

Size of secondary ad ________________________  

Sales agents  name __________________________________________________________________

Sales agents  phone number ____________________



# 5                                                         HOME SHOWS

Make contact with the the trade shoe producers in my area within 45 days of starting

 Date of closing to get into show ________________

 Date of meeting with show rep.  ________________

 Date of show  from ______________ to ___________________

Number of booth space _______________________________________________________________

Size of booth space ________________________

Is electrical hookup provided at booth? ___________________________________________________

Cost of booth space ________________________  

Cost of supplies for my booth __________________________________________________________

List of items I need to acquire __________________________________________________________





  # 6                                           COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT SALES MEETINGS

        Make 1st sales meeting within 60 days

Date of  first meeting ____________________

Name of company  ________________________________________________________________

Name of Individual  ________________________________________________________________

Number of properties _____________________ 

Date of  second meeting ____________________

Name of company  ________________________________________________________________

Name of Individual  ________________________________________________________________

Number of properties _____________________ 

Date of  third meeting ____________________

Name of company  ________________________________________________________________

Name of Individual  ________________________________________________________________

Number of properties _____________________ 

Date of  fourth meeting ___________________

Name of company  ________________________________________________________________

Name of Individual  ________________________________________________________________

Number of properties _____________________ 



# 7                                                  DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING

Make contact with the direct mail advertiser for your area 90 days of starting


Name of direct mail advertiser __________________________________________________________

Date zip area closes _____________________

 Date of meeting with agent  ________________

 Date mailer is delivered __________________

Zip codes mailer will be delivered to _______________________________________________________


Number of mailers being delivered  ________________________

Sales agents  name __________________________________________________________________

Sales agents  phone number ____________________



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