

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your wise decision to become an applicator of the No-Spray Restoration System.  We are one of the nations oldest bathtub refinishing suppliers established in 1973.  My staff and I have designed this manual to help you get the most out of your business and help you to become successful. Read and study the manual thoroughly. If at anytime you have a problem or question do not hesitate to give us a call. We will do our best to help answer any questions or offer helpful suggestions. It is our sincere recommendation that you begin right away developing your market as outlined in the Applicators Training Site.


Expect success if you obey the golden rules:

1. Be prepared.

2. Be on time.

3. Be honest.

4. Always leave them with a job you are proud of. 

There are three keys to success described in this outline. 

First, you must have a full time person answer your phone and run your office. This is not a part time experiment.


Second, follow the advertising outlined to a "T" (A-Z). Do each and every one of these things year round, don’t ever stop. 


Third, market your business like it is the best thing that ever came down the road because it is!  Make it a goal to learn to sell like a pro and make it a goal to help each of your employees do the same. Listen to motivational speakers (DVD) and sales techniques.

Conduct sales meetings with your employees. Look and act like a pro and you will be one!

Do not attempt to use any other forms of advertising until you are routinely using the proven methods described in the training site. I cannot impress upon you enough how important this is to the development of a solid marketing foundation.  You may want to supplement this by other forms of ads later such as television and radio. These should be done only after our outline is an everyday routine. Never stop this routine.


I have been working hard to perfect the restoration business and teach individuals to do quality work for over 35 years. Developing techniques to repair, refinish, and restore bathtubs, countertops and other kitchen and bath surfaces have bee my life's long work.. If you encounter a problem specific to your area please let me know. We will research the problem and find a solution.

I am looking forward to working with you for many years to come.


Larry Stevens

President SPR International Inc.


