SPR® Will Show You The Way




Specialty companies like yours who deal exclusively with commercial customers rarely get their business from yellow page ads. Their business is a result of courting the commercial customers successfully over a period of time.

Only a small ad or Bold listing is necessary.

  • Place your ads as soon as possible since the phone directory only comes out once a year. If you miss the deadline you will have to wait a full year before the next issue comes out.

  • You must strategically position your ad to run under the appropriate heading. One that will easily found and that solves the needs of your customers.

Stick closely to our guidelines no matter what the phone book sales rep. encourages you to do. He does not know about your business nor the psychology directing our ad program.

Heading: Bathtub & Sink Repair and Refinishing

Example: SPR Hotel Bathtub Refinishing

Example: SPR Apartment Services


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