What Is  SDE  Direct Mail?  


SDE (Select Direct Education is not to be confused with conventional direct mail advertising!  Direct mail advertisers target specific sic codes. It is important to understand how and why this system works in order to have a reason to continue doing it. Some of our dealers have not come to appreciate its value because it seems to simple to be of value. This simple mistake stunts the growth of their referral business; they don’t realize what they are doing wrong and they seldom recover from it because it is to simple to see!

What is the mistake? The dealer rides up and down streets calling on hotels, apartments, hospitals, nursing homes, office buildings, restaurants etc.  It is hard  to get in to see the right people.

SDE is not Direct Mail as it is generally known.

What is SDE? SDE is a program in which you Selectively, Directly Educate key individuals. These individuals are in every area of the country. These are individuals who are respected by their employers for their expertice.

 When the business owner etc. ask one of these individuals who can repair a bathtub, remove stains from tub, tile or who can do so and so, or who can do this that or the other, they expect an answer. The individual who ask is looking for a solution to a problem and the one being asked is generally an individual who knows a little bit about everything. That individual can generally direct others in the right direction when it comes to getting specialty work done around the home or business. These key individuals want to be helpful and are a resource for of information for any customer who ask. SDE arms them with the answers to questions about roof stain removal and prevention. If this key individual is aware of your services, reputation, and customer satisfaction, they will gladly tell others about you FREE of CHARGE. Your recurring mail out does exactly that.

These are the Select individuals we want to Directly, Educate through our SDE program. These are generally professional people who work in the back ground of larger companies such as hotels, apartments, office buildings etc.  They give you referrals year after year, free of charge. They do not expect any reward other than to know that you did a good job for the individual they referred to you!  

This program really works; our customers are still doing work from referrals from the same individuals to whom they did mail-outs to over 20 or more years ago. As feedback returns to those who refer you, your good reputation continues to grow, so will the referrals from those and other individuals. You have a source of perpetual advertisement that cost you just pennies. You have never met these individual and may never meet them. Please Do Not overlook this excellent source of customer referral and customer contact!  



Repetition is the mother of invention.  

If you repeatedly tell the right people that you are a professional 

they will believe it and tell others about you. 

Remember professionals like to refer other professionals!

   Who are these professionals that will refer me to others?





© SPR International Inc. Acworth, GA 2004-2010